Pension Advisory Council (PAC) Election – Representative of All Active Employees

The voting period for the 2025 PAC election for the representative of all active employees has been extended until Wednesday, March 26, 2025.

Keep an eye on your mailbox for your voting instruction postcard. It has your unique access key.

Postcard Example:

To vote online, type in your browser and enter your 16-digit personal access key. Online voting now requires multi-factor identification which requires your employee ID with a total of 7 characters. For some employees this will require that you add leading zeros (Example, 0001234).

Due to a delay in the voting instructions being delivered, you can request your personal access key by sending an email to Please include your employee ID in the email.

To vote by mail, mail-in ballots can be requested by sending an email to Please include your employee ID in the email. In order to return the ballot before the voting deadline, the deadline to request a mail-in ballot has been extended until 5 pm (ET), March 19, 2025.

The candidate biographies in alphabetical order are listed here.

You must cast your vote before 5 pm (ET) Wednesday, March 26, 2025. Election results will be announced in April 2025.

Contact us by sending an email to or by calling 1-855-261-1832 if you have any questions.

Visit the PAC elections webpage for more information.